Dear 2020,
I’ve had goals of writing for a long time now, but I’m a perfectionist. And my perfectionism is oftentimes paralyzing. So here I am. Trying again. New year, blank slate. Right?
Also, the irony is not lost on me that I am posting this on January 4th. More the reason for me to just hurry up and post this so that I can start off the year with a perfectly ironic imperfection.
Photo by Maddi Bazzocco on Unsplash
To be honest, I spent a lot of time these past few days thinking about the year behind and the year ahead in a somewhat pensive and cautious way. I’ve seen so many people post their years or their decades in review where they highlight all the good things that have happened, making me feel somewhat guilty for the fact that when I look back I see both the ups and the downs. Because of this, I’ve been a little cautious to get excited about 2020, but I want that to change.
I don’t think I’m wrong to reflect on both the ups and the downs of life, but I want to do so in a way that is productive rather than unpleasant. I want to learn from my mistakes and from uncomfortable situations. I want to grow through hardships instead of shutdown or lose a part of myself. I want to be realistic when I look at life, but I don’t want to lose sight of the ability to dream.
I’ve had a lot of ideas running around through my mind these past few months, and the only thing I know to do with them is write about them and share them with others — which is what I want to do here. It may not be interesting or it may be riddled with typos. But I’m going to use this platform to push past my perfectionist tendencies and do what I feel like I’m supposed to do, which is use words to share stories and encourage others. I hope some people will join me on this journey and will gain something from these words and stories.
Happy New Year, everyone,